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Deleting endpoints

The Network inventory contains by default the Deleted folder, designated for storing endpoints that you do not want to manage.

However, the Delete action has different effects on endpoints, depending on the folder they are in:

  • For endpoints in the Custom Groups folder:

    • When unmanaged endpoints are deleted, they are moved directly to the Deleted folder.

    • When a managed endpoint is deleted:

      • An uninstall client task is created.

      • A license seat is released.

      • The endpoints are moved to the Deleted folder.

        You can view the uninstall client task in the Network > Tasks section. If the endpoint does not receive the task (because it is offline), the task will stay in pending for 72 hours, after which it will automatically expire.


      If you want to exclude permanently certain endpoints from management, you must keep them in the Deleted folder.

      If you delete endpoints from the Deleted folder, they will be completely removed from theGravityZone database. Nevertheless, excluded endpoints that are online will be detected with the next Network Discovery task and they will appear in the Network Inventory as new endpoints.

  • For endpoints in an integration folder (Active Directory, vCenter Server, XenServer etc.):

    • The endpoints become unmanaged and remain in their folders (they are not moved to the Deleted folder).

    • A license seat is released for each endpoint.

      If the endpoint is online, it will be licensed again.

To delete endpoints from the Network inventory:

  1. Go to the Network page.

  2. Alternately, use the Filters menu and the Depth > All items recursively option at the upper side of the table to display all entities in the Network inventory.

  3. In the right-side pane, select the check box of to the endpoint you want to delete.

  4. Click the delete.png Delete button at the upper side of the table. Confirm your action by clicking Yes.

    Depending on the endpoints, they will either be moved to the Deleted folder or they will only become unmanaged.

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