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Enroll MacOS Setup


Initial Steps:

  • Activate Apple VPP and business manager
  • Add the apps you want to install on the Apple devices.
  • Add the “company portal” app – important will need it later.




Add Corporate devices

  • Intune admin portal
  • Devices, enroll devices




  • Click on “Corporate device identifiers”


  • Click add, upload csv


  • The CSV should be as (serial, device description)






Other Steps:

  • Apple business manager
    • Click on the profile at the bottom left, choose preference
    • Account, under “Federated Authentication”
      • Connect to Azure AD


Link to the following steps:


  • Login to
  • Admin portal
  • Azure ad porta
    • Enterprise applications
    • All application, and you will find “Apple business Manager” (because you connected it in the above steps)
    • Click on “Apple business manager”
      • On left, click “Provisioning”, click get started


  • Choose automatic



  • Back to “Apple business manager”


  • In Apple Business Manager , sign in as a user that has the role of Administrator or People Manager.
  • Click your name at the bottom of the sidebar, click Preferences , then click Directory Sync, click edit


  • Copy (Tenant URL) and (Secret Token) to the Azure Portal



  • Test conncetion



Steps – Intune:

  • Connect intune to apple business manager



  • Devices – Macos – macosenrollment – apple configurator



  • Profiles – create



  • Create.


  • Click on the profile


  • Export profile – copy profile URL


This URL will be used in the apple configurator steps.



  • Devices
    • Compliance policy is used to create minimum security settings that every device must have.
    • An example



Configure Azure AD Single Sign-On Extension

  • Sign into the MEM console (intune)
  • Go to Devices -> iOS/iPadOS -> Configuration Profiles and click on Create Profile
  • For Profile type, choose Device features and click Create
  • Give you profile a name and then click Next
  • In the list of settings, choose Single sign-on app extension
    • For SSO app extension type, choose Microsoft Azure AD
  • Click Next
  • Assign the configuration profile to a group and click Next
  • Click on Create





Steps – Apple Configurator


  • Apple configurator – preference




  • Organizations, + , add your organization using your apple business manager ID




  • Servers, +, this is where you paste the URL copied from Intune



  • Use apple configurator to create iOS profile.
    • Mark all restrictions on the device
    • Create Wifi profile. (Important)
    • After you finish all the settings of the profile, file, sign profile





  • Save the profile and close the window.
  • Go back to apple configurator and connect iOS device to the computer.
  • Click prepare


  • Choose “Manual enrollment”
    • Add to apple business manager
    • Activate and complete enrollment
    • Allow devices to pair with other computers
  • Choose the organization
  • Show all steps or configure what you want to see


  • Choose profile (the one that has wifi settings in it – that is why it was important)



  • Enter the user credential that responsible for “enroll in the MDM”