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The video info section

The video info section

Directly below the video player, you’ll find a bunch of information about the video that we usually call the video info. You can see a lot of data about each video there, as you can see in Figure 2-6.





















The video info



Here’s a list of the most important information to pay attention to in the video info:


» Title: In large type just below the video player is the title of the video. If the

video is trending, a small message denoting so appears above the title. (We

talk more about titles — more eff             titles, to be specifi   — in Chapter 9. For now, think “catchy and relevant.”)

» Like or Dislike: The Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down buttons give you a quick, simple way to let your feelings about a video be known. Just to be clear, punch

the Thumbs Up button if you like the video; punch the Thumbs Down if you


» Share: Next up is the Share link. When you click the Share link, you’re shown a few diff   ways that you can share the video and entice the world to look

at it. (You can see the various Share settings in Figure 2-7.) Don’t forget that YouTube is also a social media platform that’s quite capable of letting you easily share to Facebook, LinkedIn, reddit, and other sites. YouTube also lets you share video on a website with simple HTML embed code, and if that’s not your style, you can simply email a video link to your friends.













Sharing videos.



» Save: Over time, you’ll want to keep track and organize the video you’re viewing. If you’re using YouTube videos to help you with a kitchen renovation,

you may want to keep all the videos about cabinet installation in one place. That place is the playlist, and you learn about it in Chapter 3. You can save a list of all the videos you want to watch later or videos that are your favorites.

» More: This catch-all button — the one with the three dots (. . .) — lets you see

more information about the video. This includes reading the transcript of the

video or adding translations. You can also report this video to YouTube if you see inappropriate content. This last piece should be used only sparingly.


» Channel information: Just below the title, you’ll fi      the channel name and a logo

known as the Channel icon. A small check mark appears next to the channel name

if it’s verifi     meaning a person or brand behind the account is the real deal.

» Subscription status and control: In Chapter 10, you discover that subscrip- tions are important to creators and viewers because subscriptions provide a

better level of engagement among the two. The Subscribe button, which is to the right of the Channel icon, appears in red with a subscriber count number  if the viewer is not subscribed. Simply clicking the button enables the subscrip- tion, and the button turns gray while adding a secondary subscription setting button that looks like a gear. Click this secondary button to control how you want to receive updates from the channel. To unsubscribe from a channel, all you need to do is click the gray Subscribed button, then click Unsubscribe  from the pop-up window that appears.

» Description: The video description fi        should provide all sorts of helpful information about the video and a way for viewers to fi                                 additional  information,

which may include links to make a purchase or support a political candidate, for example. Only part of the description is shown, so a viewer can click the Show More bar under the description summary to see the rest of the information.

Chapter 9 shows you how to best organize the description fi

» Comments: Comments about the video are placed just below the description fi             and can be sorted according to popularity or recency. Regular YouTubers

know that comments can range from highly informative to occasionally pretty rude. Remember that YouTube is a social media platform and with it comes the good, the bad, and the ugly — especially in the Comments section. As a creator, you defi             want to attract comments, but keep in mind that you can fi       out inappropriate ones or ban specifi   viewers who only cause trouble. (We tell you more about comments management in Chapter 10.)