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Schedule Tasks to run commands MacOS


  • Open automator
  • Choose application


  • Search for “shell”
  • Double click on “Run Shell Script”


  • Type the commands you want to run.
  • Run the script to make sure it is working fine


  • Script is running successfully.
  • Save the script file in a known location on the hard drive to you.
    • We will need this location later.
  • Close automator


  • Open ical on the MAC computer



  • Click “File” from the iCal menu.
  • Click “New Event.” A new event appears on the date you selected.
  • Give it a name
  • Double click on the event, then click on the date
  • Click “Repeat.”
  • Click a scheduling option, such as “Every Day,” “Every Week” or “Every Month.” Click “Alarm,”
  • Click “Alert” , “Custom”
  • Click “message with sound” and choose “open with file”
  • Click “Calendar” and choose “Other”
  • Click the folder on your Mac where you saved the Automator application for the task you just created.
  • Click the name of the Automator task, click “Select” and click “Done.”
  • The Automator task you selected will now run according to the schedule that you designated in iCal.